The Praying Mantis - Great for the Garden

Praying Mantis Backyard

The Greatest Garden Predator


The Praying Mantis is one of the most beneficial insects for your garden. As an insect predator,
it’s one of the best organic solutions for pest control because they also represent no danger to
humans. Although it will make a significant impact to reducing pests, it should be used in
conjunction with other natural pest control methods in your garden. Unfortunately, they do not
discriminate when looking for their next meal, so be aware that they also go after beneficial
insects like ladybugs.

There are approximately 2000 species of mantises in the world, of which about 18 reside in
North America. They lay their eggs in Autumn and secrete a foam like substance over it to
protect them throughout the Winter. When Spring arrives, about 200 nymphs will emerge from
each egg and begin feeding on aphids and other small insects. Once it reaches maturity, this
garden predator attacks so quickly, they can easily catch mosquitos and flies.

Introducing Them to the Garden

If you’ve decided that you want them in the garden, you can either lure them in or purchase
them online. Personally, I would use both methods because if you purchased them, you would
want to create ideal conditions for them to stay and multiply anyway. Luring them in is obviously
the cheapest option, being that it’s free. Their ideal home is an organic garden with tall grass
and shrubs, ideally growing rose and raspberry bushes where they can lay their eggs. So if you
can provide those parameters or already meet those conditions, you may already praying
mantises in the garden.

If you’re going to purchase the eggs, before you start searching for the cheapest price, there’s
actually an ideal formula that you should consider to calculate the amount you need. According
to my research, you should purchase 3 eggs for every 5000 square feet of garden you plan to
protect. Just be mindful this is an approximation, so I would round down at first just to see how
they do and if you think you need more, just buy a few more the following season.

Once you’ve calculated how many you need, starting searching the Internet. As of the this
articles date, the Praying Mantis eggs are approximately $8 - $10 each depending on seller and how many you purchase at once. Please remember that you will deploying them in Spring, so you’re going to want to wait until late Winter to purchase them. There’s no need to purchase them ahead of
time just to keep them around the house until they’re ready.

Once you receive your delivery of eggs, make sure you wait until after the last frost date before
putting them out in the garden. Additionally, make sure not to place the eggs on the ground, but
in the crotch of a bush or tree. The ants will easily make prey of the nymphs if you put it on the
ground or close to it. If you have trouble keeping them in the crotches, try to use twine or
something that will easily decompose in the garden.